How software development has changed in the last 10 years

It’s a new post to this almost-abandoned blog. I would even say that my inactivity here is a huge missed opportunity. Despite that I’ve been writing a bit elsewhere (Medium, Facebook, LinkedIn, Packt) but that’s a poor excuse.

To kick it off, I figured it would be perfect to do overview of how software development has changed (in my eyes) over the last 10 years.


First of all, the most important tool that we use while programming is the programming language itself. There has been a lot of development in this area in the last 10 years.

Java, one of my main tools, has started evolving again thanks to Oracle (although they have made some controversial decisions). These days Java has lambdas, modularized structure, streams, and some other cool stuff.

Spring Boot has taken over application servers (and who can blame them - they were a pain to work with). Additionally, Spring developers almost completely abandoned XML-based configuration in favor of Java-based configuration.

I believe that I could also claim that people took a liking to automatically generated quality-of-life code. Projects like Immutables or Lombok are now a common sight.


Python is my current tool of choice for Data Engineering and Machine Learning related tasks. No surprise here. 10 years ago Python was a language that only students and non-Ruby hipster developers used. In meantime, ML community pushed Python’s adoption through the roof and at the moment it is one of the most popular languages (not only among data guys).

However, it was a bit strange seeing how long the migration to Python 3 took. Until a few years ago, people were still clinging unto Python 2.7 even though Python 3 had many more features (f-strings, dataclasses, type annotations) that would make you productive. But I guess async nailed it in the end.

What’s bizarre is that still by the end of 2019 Python can’t deal with GIL and multithreading is broken, while consumer CPUs have 32 cores.


I would say that Web Development has been one of the more dynamic fields in the industry. As I have worked quite a bit as a full stack developer, I am no stranger to JavaScript either. It is more of a love-hate relationship though. It’s an amazingly poorly engineered language and people have been trying to get rid of it since way back. Dart, GWT, CoffeeScript, and now TypeScript are all monuments to that effort.

In recent years, it looks like Typescript has started winning developer hearts over. I guess I fall into that category too. Having tried GWT and Dart, I could say that Typescript helped me avoid more of the annoying bits of JavaScript, but it did not hurt my productivity in terms of interoperability with the rest of JavaScript ecosystem.

JavaScript modernized as well. There are now proper classes, map and reduce functions, const variables and other nice things. With the help of NodeJS it also got a lot more popular. For better or worse, people have started deploying server-side JavaScript and MEAN (Mongo-Express.js-Angular-NodeJs) stack got extremely popular at some point in mid 2010s.

Even if your target browsers doesn’t support all the new features, you can use Babel and Webpack to transpile the code to something that every browser will understand (however, a human might not).

Web Development

Web Development deserves some special attention. Last 10 years transformed web from semi-document and semi-application network to a full fledged application platform.

Progressive Web Apps, Web Components, and Service Workers are all the rage now. 10 years ago people still struggled with IE6 and were just getting a hang of AJAX requests. AngularJS was just coming out and had to compete with BackboneJS. Both tools were horrible and difficult to use but it was still better than plain JavaScript. Strange times.

JavaScript and Web Community went a bit crazy (in a good sense) during that time. They’ve invented GraphQL, React (and then React Native), AngularJS transformed into Angular. Dart appeared and died. Then appeared again.

People invented/adopted Webpack, Redux, and Sagas. Even today, the pace of the ecosystem is so extreme, that if you do not update dependencies of a project for a year, it will break apart completely, when you do. It might be far from ideal maintenance-wise but it fuels the innovation.

Electron now allows to build and distribute desktop-web applications and lots of companies now have a shared code-base for their web, mobile, and desktop platforms.

However, knowledge needed to build a big and performant web-based applications has exploded as well. You have to know most of the stuff above to deliver a non-trivial application. In the old days, you had to just know a bit of jQuery and DOM.


I haven’t done any work with .NET platform but it deserves a special mention. C# and its platform are now Open Source. 10 years ago people would not have believed that it would be possible. Mono project was struggling to get adoption and there were no hopes about getting a full .NET platform on Linux.

To fully appreciate the magnitude of the change you have to remember that Microsoft once called OpenSource (Linux) a cancer.


No developer can work without their IDE. Over the last 10 years, two main trends become apparent:

I used to be a big fan of Netbeans but now old-guard IDEs such as Eclipse and Netbeans are pretty much dead. IntelliJ and friends took everything over. IntelliJ has an IDE for every language that you might want, and if they do not - there is a plug-in.

Also, a new wave of power editors such as Sublime, Atom, and Visual Studio Code stand strong with those who feel that they want to stick with leaner tools. Visual Studio Code has gotten the edge over the others in the last few years.


I’ve always had to do a fair share of operational/infrastructure work.

Quite a bit of changed in DevOps and infrastructure related work as well. I can still remember running production server on Gentoo Linux for an e-shop and several other co-hosted websites in 2008. This experience led me to avoid running my own infrastructure as it is quite attention intensive business.

Luckily, I wasn’t alone and a lot of infrastructure moved to the cloud.


10 years ago you could get either a dedicated server or a shared-hosting solution. AWS was far from its prime and Google offered only a crappy App Engine solution.

These days getting any kind of server is super easy. You can get a server provision for you in a matter of minutes and that can be completely scripted.

Infrastructure-as-a-code is now possible. Ansible and Chef help a lot here. Immutable infrastructure is now a thing. Compared to the old days, when rogue updates to the OS could kill the service, this is complete pleasure to work with.

Also, there is no need to keep nagging administrators (SysAdmins) to get you a server with a right flavor of Linux and Apache installed. Developers can do that themselves and SysAdmins might just enforce some networking-firewall rules.

Managed Databases

What’s better than cloud servers? Cloud services. Managed databases became a thing. These days you can get any type of database (MSSQL, MySQL, MongoDB and etc…) in the cloud, and you won’t have to worry about setting it up, scaling, managing backups.

It is extremely convenient and time saving. Obviously, some people might still want to do that manually to squeeze out extra performance and savings, but it is no longer necessary. In my experience, the worst screw ups that services experience are due to failures in database operations.

Managed internet-scale managed databases deserve some extra attention. I believe that the first one to appear was Google Datastore (as a part of App Engine) in the late 2000s. Later, DynamoDB, Azure Table Service, and CosmosDB followed. These services introduced automatic scaling, granular charges for the operations, and virtually unbounded capacities. Personally, I believe that these services had an impact on how we develop things. If you had a low volume service, you could get away by not paying anything for the database. However, you could get punished severely for missing N+1 query on a high-traffic website.


Probably one of the biggest changes happened in 2014 when (Docker) containers became prominent in the industry. While some people seemed to use it as a facilitator for a reproduceable development environment, I think containers are an ultimate way to package applications.

JAR, WAR, EAR got somewhat halfway there as you could PROBABLY run your application on an application server given that you included all the dependencies. But Docker was the next step - it included all of the OS so your application could run without fixing libc, java, and libssl-dev versions. Basically, package once - run anywhere was achieved.

There were quite a few nice operational benefits as well - it became much easier to enforce CPU and Memory limits on applications, security was improved, and logging with monitoring became arguably simpler.

Container Orchestration

Together with containers another shift has occurred - developers have started building microservices. Before 2010 Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) was gaining traction but with the advent of containers, microservices became possible and it took it over from SOA.

While people where crazy building microservices, they soon realized that they need some tools to manage the containers. So people started building tools for container orchestration.

One of the first attempts to do that came from CoreOS with fleetd and etcd. As one of the early adopters back in the 2014, I would like to say that it was smooth journey but… I can’t. In the beginning, there were lots of parts that were missing or just too simplistic- service discovery, smooth failovers, logging, persistent volumes. Later, Docker Swarm, Rancher, Mesos, DCOS appeared. However, by the end of 2018, it became clear Kubernetes is the winner. Etcd needed three rewrites until it became usable.

Having used CoreOS and Docker Swarm, I must say that Kubernetes made lots of things possible (and easy) but also it is a tool with a steep learning curve. For a novice, it is far from simple for deploying their first application and especially making it ready for production. And, if you can’t use a managed Kubernetes service such as GKE or AKS, you are out-of-luck, as deploying your own cluster is even more complicated (but it is getting easier especially with k3s and the likes).

Data Engineer and Machine Learning

For the later half of the decade I was involved in data and machine learning engineering (and during the first half I was only an aspirer). The amount of changes that occurred here deserves a post of its own but I’ll try to summarize it here anyway.

Neural Networks

This field just exploded. In 2010 people were doing just regular dense multi-layer perceptrons that could process only 2D arrays (feature vector + batch). All of the training was being done on CPUs. Even when Tomas Mikolov released Word2Vec, it was trained on the CPUs. Only crazy people like Alex Krizhevsky would implement training on the GPU using C\C++ with CUDA.

But Alex’s paper was the breakthrough. It showed that Deep Neural Networks are feasible (again). Later, people picked up tools such as Theano to help them with neural net training. By the end of the decade Theano was dead and we had tools such as Tensorflow and PyTorch. Now they are being used to train BERTs, Neural Turing Machines, and beat Starcraft.

Python again

Data analysis and engineering changed a lot as well. Before, there was only numpy and matplotlib. Quite a few academics used R and MATLAB; some outcasts used Weka and Rapidminer.

However, quite quickly Python and friends took everything over. Jupyter, Pandas and Scikit became tools of everyday data analyst/scientist/engineer. Analysis and machine learning brainstorming that used to take weeks now takes only a few days.

Data Engineering

At the start of the decade, the only tool that people used was Hadoop and MapReduce. Take a bunch of distributed data, process it, and put the results back in the same distributed database. Rinse and Repeat.

These days we have a much wider selection of tools. For starters, Apache Hadoop (and friends) ecosystem grew immensely and now we have:

Lots of these services have now managed alternatives in the cloud (Google BigQuery, Google Dataproc, Amazon Redshift) so you wouldn’t need to worry setting everything up. However, you might need to commit to storing data on S3 or some other alternative for Block Storage on the cloud.

Some other prominent tools propped up in Python ecosystem such as Airflow and Dask that can make your life easier.

Other models

It looks like probabilistic (Bayesian) models are starting to pick up again. Using PyMC it is extremely easy to create and prototype models. Pyro makes it easy to scale your probabilistic learning on GPUs.

I am not familiar with the state of MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo) in R ecosystem at the start of the decade but it seems they had some decent tools available. However, if I recall correctly, most of the software (samplers and models) where either custom build in-house or used specialized software.

Also, it seems that MCMC approaches completely took over other inference methods due to its simplicity and scalability. I’ve never heard using Message-passing anymore and Variational Inference is not that popular either.


It was a mouthful. Quite a bit has happened. What are the things that you’ve noticed? In the next post, I’ll share how my programming practices have changed (hopefully for better).